
Creating a life you love


How to Compare Electricity Providers

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You may find that your energy bill has been soaring lately, with higher temperatures outside or still being forced to work from home through the pandemic. Your electric bill can run up a high monthly expense, so it’s important to find the electric rate that best accommodates your home’s usage rate.

When shopping for quotes for an electric provider, there are few things that you should keep in mind before going with an energy company or electric plan that’s right for you and your household.

Comparing Electricity


When looking into electricity providers, it’s important to weigh the electric rates with the best plan for your home. It’s important to look into the peak and off-peak rates for each provider, along with your average household usage. Whether it’s a month-to-month plan or an annual rate, you’ll be sure to want to look into the supply charge for that particular provider. Don’t hesitate to look at the green energy rating for each provider when searching for the best option.

Make sure to look into the terms and conditions of each retail energy provider, especially the length of time that you may be under contract. Be sure to also look into any fees that come with exiting a plan with a utility company early on. It’s important for residential and commercial customers alike to also have important contact information on hand through an energy provider in the event of a power outage or other issues.

Electric & Gas Bundles


Some electric companies will offer up gas and electric bundles, providing the best rate to accommodate both of those utilities. It also helps to avoid having to split your debts between two different energy companies. This is often referred to as “dual fuel.” Not only do you receive just one energy bill to keep your eyes on, but this facet of the electric market is highly competitive. Many gas and electric providers go as far as to offer up an annual rebate if you stay with the same company and pay bills before or on their scheduled due date.

There are discounts and savings to be found when shopping for the right electricity provider. This could be a better option, but it’s important to have an understanding of the terms of these ‘dual fuel’ deals. There can be sudden cancellation on this bundling due to issues between gas and electric providers. Homeowners or renters alike will be kept aware of any issues that may arise on that front impacting the supply plan. They will also be alerted to any sudden hikes in the average electricity rate before locking in for an extension on a plan.

Commercial Switching Sites


There are commercial switching services that can offer to find you a better deal on your energy service. Much like a comparison service, information on your current energy bills and usage is required to round up great options for your electric plan. This switching service will then cancel your existing agreement and draft you a new deal with an electricity retailer. It’s important to know that some switching services have preferred energy providers, and could receive a commission from those outlets.

Switching services may not explain the terms and conditions associated with that new contract. These electric companies may not make you aware of early termination fees with your current electric provider. These services calculate quotes in different ways, as entering information into different websites can make it hard to compare electric quotes. Finding the right electric supplier can be a bit of a hassle, but make sure that your rate plan is what’s best for your household.

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