
Creating a life you love


How Long Does Express Entry to Canada Take?

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Express Entry is an expedited immigration process that allows chosen individuals to gain citizenship to Canada based on certain qualifications rather than the order in which they apply. For those looking to gain entry to Canada through these means, the most asked question is in regard to how long it will take to become approved to gain citizenship. Do you plan on applying for Express Entry? If so, let’s take a look at how long this process can take and how you can ensure that you are in the best position to receive an invitation from the country.


Express Entry to Canada

How long does Express Entry take?

The good news for those who are looking to gain permanent residence in Canada is that the majority of applications are processed within six months or less. The keyword to focus on here is “processed applications.” The truth is that, for some, Express Entry can take far longer. This is due to the fact that the process actually begins with creating an Express Entry profile. An Express Entry profile is designed to provide Canada with a more comprehensive view of why you are seeking permanent residence and whether or not you meet the minimum requirements and specific criteria to apply for Express Entry. Because of the volume of applicants, the Express Entry system ranks your application using their Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) to make sure that they choose the most eligible candidates for immigration first. If you are chosen from the pool, which generally happens every two weeks, you will then receive an invitation to apply, in which you will have 60 days to provide the requested information and documentation. From there, it is said that your application may be processed in six months or less.

At the time of writing, you will also need to take into account the current COVID-19 pandemic, which will delay applications or prevent some entirely. Be sure to keep this in mind as you are working on your profile in anticipation of being able to immigrate.


How can I speed up the process?

Trying to expedite an already expedited process begins with fully understanding how the process works. To try to receive your invitation and get your application in faster, you should:

  • Reach out to specialists who can help you. The Canada immigration Express Entry process is one that can be quite extensive. If you are having trouble understanding how it works or are simply not going above and beyond the other applicants in your pool, reaching out to a company that offers immigration services like GreenLight Canada can get you the support that you need to succeed.
  • Boost your score. There are a possible 1,200 points that you can score to make yourself more likely to be chosen for the application process. While you may not be able to have a perfect score, there is always room for improvement. Make sure that you learn more about the scoring system to better determine where you may be able to gain more points to become more favorable in the pool of candidates.
  • Educate yourself about the Express Entry process. Taking your time to learn more about how it works and what you can expect from the program can make the process a little easier. If you go in without much knowledge about the process, it is doubtful you will get the results you want.

Express Entry may be faster than traditional immigration, but it can still take some time if you are not properly optimizing your Express Entry profile for better results. Use the guide above to learn more about expected timelines and what you may be able to do to speed up the process, if possible.

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