
Creating a life you love


The New Pool Owner’s Guide

a glass of milk and a glass of milk on a table

There's nothing quite like a home pool. Relaxing on a float on a hot summer Saturday or taking a refreshing dip early in the morning before work can be wonderful in the moment and transformative over the course of weeks and years. Though it's hardly the sort of thing you'd compare to a graduation or a wedding, putting in a pool really can change your life in its own humble way. New pool owners can relax, exercise, and socialize in ways that they couldn't before.

But new pool owners also get some other things that are new—like new stresses and obligations, for instance. Fear not, pool fans, because we are here to help you handle your new pool.

Should you get a pool?

You may already have a pool as you're reading this, but if you don't, take a moment to pump the brakes. Pools can be wonderful things, but it's important to make sure that yours is the right fit for your home, budget, and lifestyle.

Pools can be time-consuming and expensive to maintain. They can improve property values in some areas, but they can also depress them in others. It's important to do your research and map out budgetary concerns before you commit to doing something as expensive and as permanent as installing a pool in your backyard.

Of course, there are lots of advantages to pool ownership—so don't let us scare you off! Just make sure that you know what you're getting into.

Cleaning and maintenance

A pool is an investment. Whether or not it is a good investment is up to you.

If you take care of your pool, then you'll enjoy it more and will save yourself a bundle of money in the long run. Neglect your pool, and you'll get the opposite: A dirty, run-down pool that costs you a boatload of money in repairs and deferred maintenance and which can even drive down the value of your property in general.

So be smart! Schedule regular maintenance and cleaning for your pool. A schedule of pool-related chores and tasks will help—find one online and post it somewhere that you'll see it.

Pick a reliable team to help you with pool maintenance. If you partner with a reliable crew, you'll get quality work and will have their help in remembering and scheduling out regular maintenance tasks by the week, month, and year.

Safety and legal liabilities

A pool is a wonderful thing, but it can also be a dangerous thing. It's extremely important that you make sure that you and your family are familiar with pool and swimming safety.

That means abiding by all the classic rules — no running around the pool, no pushing and shoving, no glass, and so on. You'll want to be particularly strict with the little ones, who should never be swimming alone.

You may not be the only one who thinks your pool looks welcoming. Pool owners sometimes find that neighbors and strangers try to take a dip in their pool without the permission of the owners. That can be a big problem, and not just because it's a violation of privacy. If someone gets hurt in or around your pool, you could be legally liable!

Pools are considered to be an "Attractive Nuisance." Legally speaking, that means that you're obligated to take some basic steps to protect your pool from kids and others who might try to get in there without your go-ahead. This means you'll need to install a fence and other safeguards. Safety covers for swimming pools are an absolute must. Protect yourself and your family, and limit your legal liability!

Making the most of your pool

Owning a pool has its challenges, but it's ultimately an incredibly rewarding thing. When you're on top of your responsibilities as a pool owner, you'll be able to rest easy, relax, and enjoy your pool the way that you deserve to.

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Hi, I’m Thea.

I started this brand as a personal online publication after graduating from Boston University with a degree in Marketing and Design. Originally from San Francisco, I was thousands of miles from family and friends, and needed an outlet for exploring my passions and connecting with others. My goal has always been to show others the beauty in enjoying life’s simple pleasures and to encourage others to look inward for self fulfillment.

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