
Creating a life you love


What Is a Penis Pump?

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Conditions like erectile dysfunction and similar problems that affect penis size and strength have resulted in a slew of products designed to stave off these issues. One product that may have come to your attention in your search to boost your penis size and grow your erection is the penis pump. But for many, figuring out how a penis pump works and whether or not it is right for them can be a difficult process. If you are thinking about purchasing one of these products for yourself, continue reading below to learn more about what it is, how it works, and what considerations you will need to make before relying on it for sexual intercourse.




Understanding the Penis Pump

What is a penis pump?

A penis pump is a relatively simple product consisting of a plastic tube that is placed over the penis, a pump that attaches to the tube (that can either be manually operated or battery operated), and a ring that fits around the base of your penis and constricts it. But why? For men who have issues getting or keeping the erection needed for sex, a penis pump can increase blood flow to the penis and help you maintain your erection. This male enhancement tool can be a desirable option for individuals who may not be able to turn to other types of treatments currently available.


How does it work?

A penis pump works by creating suction around the penis, causing blood to rush in and fill the blood vessels in the penis. Once this happens, your penis then becomes bigger (due to the intense blood flow) and harder, making it possible for you to sustain the erection needed for sex. In order to help you maintain this erection, the ring that comes with the pump (also known as a “cock ring”) goes around the base of the penis to keep the blood where it is supposed to be so that you do not lose your erection soon after using your pump. This type of sexual enhancement tool can be daunting to many men, so it is important to truly understand the pros and cons of using one before you decide to try it yourself.


What are the advantages and disadvantages of this tool?

Penis pumps may be great for some men, but not for others. Here are some things to consider if you believe that a penis pump may be a treatment option you wish to use.



  • Penis pumps lack the many side effects that accompany that come with erectile dysfunction medications.
  • They are non-invasive, in comparison to penile implants that often serve the same purpose.
  • Penis pumps will often give you around 30 minutes of time to engage in sexual activity.
  • They cost significantly less than other treatment options on the market.
  • You can combine these tools with other effective sexual performance products. For example, focusing on your boosting your erection by taking a natural remedy like Erectin male enhancement pills and then using a penis pump may further improve your sexual function better than a penis pump will on its own.
  • This tool may help those who can’t experience erections after a surgery get their sex life back.



  • Those who take blood-thinners may be at increased risk of bleeding.
  • Leaving on the constriction ring for too long can cut off blood flow and cause damage to the penis.
  • Having a condition like sickle-cell anemia or other blood disorders may cause blood clots if a penis pump is used.
  • Penis pumps may cause pain if used incorrectly (or even cause painful ejaculation if the constriction ring is too tight).

Penis pumps are great tools to use for those who have moderate erectile dysfunction, but it is important that you do your research to make sure that this is the right tool to use for your individual situation. If you are suffering from ED and are looking into this type of tool, use the guide above to gain a comprehensive overview of penis pumps and weigh the pros and cons that may come with looking to strengthen your erection.

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